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Motionless in White Reincarnated on Halloween in Their Hometown for Apocalypse Fest

Musaholic Magazine
by Liz Rainey

Motionless in White took over Wilkes Barre for a sold-out arena at Mohegan Sun Arena on Halloween. This marks the second year of Apocalypse Fest for Motionless in White in their hometown area of Scranton/Wilkes Barre. For the tenth anniversary of Reincarnate, Motionless would play the whole album in full for this special date. This is also Motionless in White’s first time playing at the Mohegan Sun Arena.  It brought fans from all over the world together to celebrate Halloween and ten years of Reincarnate

To open, Night One brought bands Like Moths to Flames, Seeyouspacecowboy, Silent Planet, and The Devil Wears Prada. Whether bands brought the same energy that reminds fans of young Motionless or were idols Motionless in White looked up to, they warmed up this crowd for what they were in tune for. Bands like seeyouspacecowboy and Silent Planet even went full out for Halloween. While each member of seeyouspacecowboy had a different costume (a pirate, a skeleton), each member of Silent Planet came out as the Blue Man Group. These

bands set the scene for ultimately what everyone was in tune for. Each band had a moment to reflect on this night and prepare for the headliner.  

Motionless in White started their ten-year celebration by opening with “Death March”, which they have not played since 2019. Chris Motionless rises to the stage in the classic couch used for the cover of Reincarnate. Each member was dressed up as if it was 2019 all over again. The production included all the fun stuff you would see in a Motionless in White show, ranging from cheerleaders to werewolves. While Chris himself made jokes about the crowds not knowing the words possibly to an older album, the crowd was alive to hear classics they never heard live. Fans even created a fan project for “Wasp”, a live debut for the band, that the whole crowd lit up in red. The fan interaction in the songs went as well for songs, as Chris encouraged the young ones in the crowds to curse for one night only.

The whole set was surprise after surprise. While fans enjoyed their favorite 2019 songs, Motionless in White also played classics like “Werewolf” and “Another Life.” There were also many guest appearances. One notable special guest was former member of Motionless in White, Josh Balz, as Chris said “something you will never expect.” Josh rises from the stage with his infamous keyboard to help during “Puppets 3”, classic Creatures hit “Abigail”, and “We Only Come Out at Night.” Josh now owns businesses around Scranton such as Noir Dark Spirits, The Strange and Usual, and The Ritz. Chris praised Josh for being able to make his career and honored the time that he had with Josh in Motionless. 

Another notable guest was Dessa Poljak. Dessa’s vocals can be heard in “Wasp” on the record. She came out for “Wasp” and “Contemptress”, rising onto the stage on the Reincarnate couch. Chris mentioned how he was hoping to one day do this song live with Dessa. Finally, the couch comes back with Tim Skold on acoustic guitar and Chris Motionless singing “Sinematic." Tim also came out for "Final Dictvm", a track he's featured on.

Motionless in White closed the night with “Carry The Torch”, the final song on Reincarnate. Hometown shows will always be special for Motionless in White. No matter how high they rise, they remember where they came from. This hometown show brought together old and new fans, people in Motionless in White’s career they have had for years. This show is one in the history books for this band as they continue to grow and be successful. 

Motionless in White will be taking a break for the rest of the year but in 2025, they will be heading on some international tours. To keep up with this band and see their dates, please check out

All of the above photos for Apocalypse Fest were taken by Liz Rainey.


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