ENV¥¥OU is a five-piece alt/pop rock group out of Sweden that is not afraid to pair deep lyrics with catchy tunes. "creatures" is their first single to drop after releasing their EP The Basement in April of this year that features their popular songs like "Stick Around," "New Friends," and "Wrong." The band is currently on tour supporting Future Palace through the end of the year.

On first listen, one thing that stood out was there is zero lyric in the song with the word creature in it. The video features a cassette tape with this title on it, but no other mention of it throughout the song or video. To understand the title, you’ll have to listen closely to the lyrics and since it’s not clearly spelled out, come up with your own conclusion on who this so-called creature is. In the video, it’s clear the creature is a masked person, but there’s so much more hidden in the layers of the song. From lyrics like "cocaine left inside a shoe" and "find God not a centerfold" to "pray nothing breaks your fall," there's something dark lurking underneath the catchy vibes.

The song starts off with your classic alt/pop rock sound with a catchy bass sound jumping right in with the lyrics. The chorus features a rhythmic guitar sound and soft, underlying drum that lets the vocals come to life. The beat changes towards the end of the song where all the elements come together beautifully. This, paired with the music video where the masked creature is digging a grave and dancing, completes the picture of "sharp teeth, big smile while you dance on our graves."
While I won't be dancing on any graves anytime soon, I will certainly dancing along to this earworm while it's on repeat!